Sunday, February 19, 2006

What my birthday says about me

Well for those of you that know me you know that this couldn't be more wrong, but....

Your Birthdate: June 21
You're a restless rebel with an unpredictable nature.Bright but unbridled, you tend to seek out wild experiences over new ideas.People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life.You're a heartbreaker. People get attached to you, and then you're gone.
Your strength: Your thirst for adventure
Your weakness: Not taking time for slow pleasures
Your power color: Hot pink
Your power symbol: Figure eight
Your power month: March

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bloom where your Planted

I am working on a new philosophy (at least for me), being more optimistic - AKA blooming where I am planted. Right now I am transplanting myself out of my comfy little niche of a Creative Memories consultant to my own business. You know the one, where the only person to blame for my failing is me. I am excited but scared to death at the same time. I have transplanted myself a couple of times before. From working in the corporate world to being a SAHM that was scary too, but after 12 years I have the hang of that pretty much too. I will also figure out this other too. At least all of the rules will be mine, which should help quite a bit. I know where I can advertise, and what all I can do. Only me and the IRS can interfere. Hey everybody have a great week.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

EBuzz it has been a month

Sorry about that, but it has been a productive month, I am almost ready to officially open "Photography by Jaylene". My webpage is on hold while my webmaster (aka Dad) is in the hospital, but I shall have my temporary one up very soon. My logo is almost totally finished and I have 3 sittings in the next 2 weeks. I have also closed down my Creative Memories Business, I will not really miss it, but I am looking forward to being one of their best customers. for those of you still checking daily even without updates thanks, and hey leave a comment.