Sunday, November 27, 2005

Why do they have to grow up?

Okay, I am among the guilty who wish my kids would grow up to fast sometimes, but then there are days like today when I want my babies back. My oldest went to the lake with her friends this weekend, she called me when she got down there and all was right. No call yesterday and I can't get a hold of her today, she has that cell phone I am paying for turned off (a post for another day). I know she is okay, I like the kids she is with, I trust the parents who are along, but I hate not knowing what is going on in her life. I used to know every move she made, now there are a lot of times I feel like an outsider looking in. Yes I know the fact that she is growing up into a mature responsible person is good, but like I said there are days I want my baby back

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Be safe and spend the day with those you are thankful for.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I think I am in trouble

Yesterday was crop and I ACTUALLY SCRAPPED!!!! I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but I have had a severe case of "scrappers block". But I started scrapping "The Gepfords do America" and so far I have done Hoover Dam and the first 25 minutes of Las Vegas, basically 6 hours of a 14 day trip and I have already done 14 pages. This is no where near the pictures I took at the Grand Canyon or the Golden Gate Bridge. This album is going to be HUGE.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


How about you?

Monday, November 14, 2005

Never to be 16 again (thank FSM)

Gepford Gallery

Okay, I have been reading blogs for awhile now, started with my 16 year old daughters just to see that she wasn't being stalked by any internet ax murderer. Then I branched off to her friends by following the links. What have I learned from this: That there is not enough money in the world for me to be 16 again. These kids aren't comfortable in their own skins yet and are spending way to much time trying to be whatever anyone else wants them to be. Young love may be great, but give me my 18 year old, stuck in a rut marriage anyday. John knows all my faults and has either learned to accept them or has learned to keep his mouth shut about them either way it is great. 16 is full of angst, some of these kids are on cloud 9 at 8am and by the time they post at 8pm they have decided the world hates them. But my daughter (and all of her friends) know that I read her xanga (and theirs), so she communicates with me this way, safe, non confrontational and I even have a xanga id so I can comment - For a kid who doesn't like to communicate face to face this has been a lifesaver for us.

I have also branched out into reading adult blogs (much less angst ridden, far more entertaining) started with the blogs of some members of a scrapbooking board I read and linked on from theirs. Funny thing, the ones I have gotten the biggest kick out of are two husbands of members, but then again I have always understood men better than women. It is so interesting seeing some of the things we have discussed on the board from their point of view. Maybe John should start a blog so that I know what he is thinking. So if you are reading, comment, if you aren't..Well then carry on.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Musings on life and laundry

I.hate.laundry no shock, it takes up too much time and just gets dirty again. I even know why I hate laundry. When I was a teenager, my mom worked and still did the laundry, I did the dishes and general straightening (with just the two of us in a 4 room apartment, this was NOT a lot of work) BUT when I annoyed her, the laundry became my job - a punishment. And at 41 I still look at laundry as a punishment. The sad thing, get ready to laugh, I did not realize until kid number 4 came along that they are the majority of my laundry. 2 teenage girls (who are doing most of their own now - thank the flying spaghetti monster) who change clothes hourly it seems and two preteen boys who couldn't stay clean to save their lives. I have to admit it is such a nice feeling when it is all done and the baskets are empty. However it isn't a feeling I get often.